How to Host Private Ark Server :

Hello and welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to host a private Ark server. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about setting up and managing your own Ark server, from choosing the right hosting provider to configuring your server settings and dealing with common issues that may arise.

Whether you’re a seasoned Ark player looking for a more customized and personalized gaming experience, or simply want to create a safe and private space for you and your friends to play, this guide is for you. So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

  1. Choosing the Right Hosting Provider
  2. Setting Up Your Server
  3. Configuring Your Server Settings
  4. Installing Mods and Custom Maps
  5. Dealing with Common Issues
  6. FAQs

Choosing the Right Hosting Provider

When it comes to hosting an Ark server, there are many hosting providers out there to choose from. However, not all providers are created equal, and choosing the wrong one can lead to a frustrating and unreliable gaming experience.

Here are some factors to consider when choosing a hosting provider:

1. Server Location

The location of your server can have a big impact on the quality of your gaming experience, especially if you’re playing with friends who are located far away from you. Look for a hosting provider that offers servers in a location that is central to all your players, or at least offers servers in locations that are close to your players.

2. Server Specifications

The performance of your server is also important. Look for a provider that offers high-performance hardware and plenty of RAM, CPU, and storage space to ensure smooth gameplay and minimal lag. You should also consider the number of players you want to host on your server, as more players will require more resources.

3. Price

The cost of hosting can vary significantly from one provider to another, so it’s important to find one that fits your budget. However, be wary of providers that offer overly cheap prices, as they may be cutting corners on hardware or overloading their servers with too many users.

4. Reputation

Finally, it’s important to choose a hosting provider with a good reputation for reliability, uptime, and customer support. Look for providers that have positive reviews and testimonials from other customers, and avoid providers that have a history of frequent downtime or poor customer service.


By considering these factors when choosing a hosting provider, you can ensure that you have a reliable and enjoyable gaming experience on your own private Ark server. Some popular hosting providers to consider include Host Havoc, Nitrado, and Survival Servers.

Setting Up Your Server

Once you have chosen a hosting provider, the next step is to set up your server. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Choose Your Server Configuration

Most hosting providers will offer different server configurations to choose from, so you’ll need to select the one that best suits your needs. Consider factors like the number of players you want to host, the type of server you want (PVE or PVP), and the map you want to use (The Island, Ragnarok, etc.).

Step 2: Set Your Server Name and Password

You’ll usually have the option to set your server name and password during the setup process. Choose a unique and memorable name for your server, and set a strong password to keep unwanted players out.

Step 3: Install the Game Server Software

Most hosting providers will offer a one-click installation option for the Ark server software, which makes the setup process quick and easy. However, if you prefer to install the software manually, you can download it from the official Steam website and upload it to your server manually.

Step 4: Start Your Server

Once the server software has been installed, you can start your server by running the appropriate command or clicking the “Start Server” button in your hosting provider’s control panel.


Setting up your own private Ark server is a relatively straightforward process, and most hosting providers offer plenty of support and resources to help you get started. If you run into any issues during the setup process, don’t hesitate to contact your hosting provider’s customer support for assistance.

Configuring Your Server Settings

Once your server is up and running, the next step is to configure your server settings to customize the gameplay experience for you and your players. Here are some of the key settings you’ll want to consider adjusting:

1. Difficulty Level

The difficulty level of your server will affect things like the level of the creatures you encounter, the amount of resources you gather, and the overall challenge of the game. Consider adjusting this setting to suit your preferences and the preferences of your players.

2. Experience Multiplier

The experience multiplier setting determines how quickly players level up in the game. Consider adjusting this setting to speed up or slow down the leveling process as desired.

3. Taming Speed

The taming speed setting determines how quickly creatures are tamed in the game. Adjusting this setting can make taming creatures easier or more challenging, depending on your preferences.

4. Harvesting Multiplier

The harvesting multiplier setting determines how much resources are gathered from each source (such as trees, rocks, and animals). Adjusting this setting can speed up or slow down the resource gathering process as desired.

5. Structure Decay Time

The structure decay time setting determines how long it takes for player structures to decay if the player is inactive. Adjusting this setting can help prevent abandoned structures from cluttering up your server.


By adjusting these and other settings on your server, you can create a customized gaming experience that suits your preferences and the preferences of your players. Experiment with different settings to find the perfect balance for your server.

Installing Mods and Custom Maps

One of the great things about hosting your own Ark server is the ability to install mods and custom maps to enhance the gameplay experience. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Find and Download Mods and Maps

You can find mods and custom maps on the official Ark Steam Workshop or on third-party websites. Download the mod or map files to your local computer.

Step 2: Upload the Files to Your Server

Using an FTP client or your hosting provider’s file manager, upload the mod or map files to your server’s “Mods” or “Maps” folder (depending on the file type).

Step 3: Activate the Mods and Maps

Using your server’s control panel or console commands, activate the mods and maps you just uploaded. Restart your server to apply the changes.


By installing mods and custom maps on your server, you can add new creatures, structures, items, and gameplay mechanics to the game, as well as explore new maps and environments. Just be sure to choose mods and maps that are compatible with your server configuration and that are trusted and well-reviewed by other players.

Dealing with Common Issues

While hosting your own Ark server can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, it can also come with its fair share of challenges and issues. Here are some of the most common issues you might encounter, and how to deal with them:

1. Server Crashes

If your server crashes frequently, it may be due to a lack of server resources or an incompatible mod. Try disabling some mods and reducing the number of players on your server to see if that resolves the issue.

2. Lag and Performance Issues

Lag and performance issues can often be caused by high player counts, heavy mod usage, or low server resources. Consider reducing the number of players on your server, disabling some mods, or upgrading your server plan to improve performance.

3. Unauthorized Access

If you suspect that someone has gained unauthorized access to your server, change your server password immediately and consider enabling server-side password validation or whitelisting certain players.


By addressing these and other common issues as they arise, you can maintain a stable and enjoyable gaming experience for you and your players. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your hosting provider’s customer support for assistance if you need it.


Question Answer
Q: How much does it cost to host an Ark server? A: The cost of hosting an Ark server can vary significantly depending on the hosting provider and the server configuration you choose. Expect to pay anywhere from $10 to $50 or more per month.
Q: How many players can I host on my Ark server? A: The number of players you can host on your Ark server will depend on the server configuration and the resources available. Most hosting providers offer servers that can support anywhere from 10 to 100 players or more.
Q: Can I transfer my Ark server to a new hosting provider? A: Yes, most hosting providers allow you to transfer your server data to a new provider. However, the process can be complicated and may require some technical expertise.
Q: What are the best mods to install on my Ark server? A: The best mods to install on your Ark server will depend on your personal preferences and the preferences of your players. Some popular mods to consider include Structures+, Classic Flyers, and Better Beacons.
Q: What do I do if I encounter a bug or glitch on my Ark server? A: If you encounter a bug or glitch on your Ark server, try restarting the server or reinstalling the server software. If the issue persists, contact your hosting provider or the Ark developer for assistance.


We hope this guide has been helpful in teaching you how to host your own private Ark server. By following these tips and best practices, you can create a customized and enjoyable gaming experience for you and your friends. Have fun!

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